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Below is a list of eight of the most impactful books that have positively affected my real estate investing business. The catch is these books have little to nothing to do with real estate investing or mobile home investing. That’s what makes these books so valuable!
Life does not come in sections – It’s all connected.
Many times I too have made the mistake of sectioning off my life; family time, work time, school time, personal time, business building time, etc. Something that typically affects you in one area of your life almost always bleeds over to positively or negatively affect every other part of your world.
Cure the problem at the roots instead of the branches.
Most of these books work on human psychology and get to the roots of many problems/issues we face as a society and as human beings. When you take these books to heart below and really hear/implement the lessons being taught in the stories, your life may change just as mine did. I say with complete sincerity that I would not be the investor or person I am today without each one of these books below.
It’s #1 on the list for a reason. I read How To Win Friends & Influence People yearly. Mr. Carnegie goes out of his way to distill the “likable qualities ” of dozens and dozens of past successful entrepreneurs and business leaders into bite-size and easy to read nuggets. This book alone has made me into a better and more compassionate human being. This in turn has led to much of my success in the mobile home investing arena.
Pitch Anything is divided into two parts. The second part of the book walks you through building a “perfect pitch” to present your business, thoughts, or ideas to an audience. While this second section is good, the first part of the book is the section that has changed my life since reading it. If you have ever suffered from being passive aggressive, afraid of confrontation, or a weak debater then this book is for you. Start looking at confrontation a completely new and fun way.
Do the more choices you have make you less happy? How many choices of cereal do we really need? Have you ever made a decision that you regretted? After reading The Paradox Off Choice I felt as if my head was pulled out of the sand and I could start seeing clearly. Now I knew where certain negative emotions were mysteriously coming from, and more importantly I knew how to fix it. Stop letting the media and advertising control the happiness you have and the choices you make. This book is a must read.
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People is a classic! You know you have heard of it. Have you read it? Are you still using the habits? Can you remember any of the 7 daily habits? Emulate what the most successful and effective people do daily. Easy daily habits lead to lifelong positive changes.
If the previous book teaches you the habits of effective and successful people, then The Slight Edge is the mindset these successful people have day-to-day. We all have the same amount of hours per day, the most successful people in the world know how to use every edge to their advantage. This book is packed with some of the most useful and sometimes counterintuitive tactics to increase your happiness and increase your passion naturally.
At less than 100 pages, The Way To Love has done more for my happiness, relationships, and business than any other tiny book of its kind. This is another book that has completely changed my thinking. I look at who I was before reading this book, and thank God this book found its way into my life. Without a doubt this is a book I recommend to almost every friend, partner, and colleague. Do what you can to read this book soon!
Very few of us are born leaders. For the rest of us there is Bringing Out The Best In People. If you lead people or interact with people on a day-to-day basis you owe it to yourself, your business, your team, your employees, your friends, your family, and everyone you meet in the future to read this book. Learn from the successes and failures of the inspirational and super-effective leaders of our time and recent history.
While I’m not the biggest fan of fiction books, this one is a quick must read. The Richest Man In Babylon walks the reader through time-proven moneymaking strategies passed down from century to century. If you think you are dealing with new financial problems never before seen by man, think again. Make sure to learn these disciplines now and change your life forever. Do not end up like so many others who never learn the rules and lessons of money.
If there is one book that completely altered my mindset about how effective and honest sales should work it is How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling. This book has everything to do with time-tested, high-quality, and putting people-first in sales. As mobile home investors we sell every day. We sell our ideas, we sell how we can help, we listen to sellers and buyers, and we contour specific purchase and selling offers uniquely based on who were talking to. This one book is a must read for every real estate investor.
Am I using these principles at least one year later?
This is how I truly judge if I will recommend a book. If I am using the principles and techniques taught in a book at least one year after I read it, then the book has been a success. All of the books below have taught me many things I still think about, implement in my business and use today.
Thank you so much for giving these books the consideration they deserve. I know your time is valuable and I do not wish to waste any of it. These books have truly changed my life for the better and have helped to allow me to flourish in ways I’ve never dreamed possible. So many times people think they may know everything, every time I read a great book I am reminded of all the growing I still have left to do.
What book has changed your life? Please comment them below so we can all learn and grow together.
Love what you do daily,
John Fedro
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